David Weiss

David Weiss grew up in modest circumstances in the picturesque Hessian province and began his professional career with diverse experiences ranging from physically demanding jobs in construction, catering, stage construction and landscaping.

Weiss has a Master’s degree in sustainable agriculture, followed by a Master of Fine Art in illustration and comics at the Kunsthochschule Kassel.

Weiss’ artistic work pursues various interests from art to science. He is currently doing his doctorate at the University of Göttingen. In his doctoral thesis, he aims to unite art and science and explore innovative ways in which these seemingly disparate disciplines can interact.Weiss’ search for a deeper understanding has taken him across continents, where his artistic and scientific research sojourns, generously supported by scholarships, have enriched his perspective. From the vast plains of Mongolia to the biodiversity hotspots of Madagascar and the cultural fabric of Burkina Faso, each of these journeys has contributed to the diversity and inspiration of his artistic repertoire.

The multimedia nature of Weiss’ artworks ranges from paintings to woodcuts, from comics to bronze casts. With skilful hands and a sharp mind, Weiss’ art addresses the most pressing issues of our time: Sustainability, the environment, climate change, social dynamics, diversity, history and the wonders of science.

It is remarkable that Weiss’ artistic vision synergises with his commitment to environmental protection. By reusing discarded materials such as scrap metals, sheep’s wool, outdated maps and forgotten paintings, his creations breathe new life into neglected remnants, transforming waste into poignant reflections of our collective journey.

In the art of David Weiss, beauty meets purpose and creativity becomes a catalyst for change. His work is a testament to the infinite possibilities that arise when passion, intellect and conscience come together.

David Weiss . Exhibition


Artothek Berlin – Kunststation Kleinsassen

2023 – 2024

Berlin Tales, ERIAC, Berlin, DE


“Das ist der Fluss, hier ist der Eimer! 20 Jahre Comic und Illustration“, Ausstellungshalle der Kunsthochschule Kassel, DE

Kushti Bok, gig7 Kompetenzzentrum Mannheim, Mannheim, DE

Artistresidenz Goethe Institut Mannheim, Mannheim, DE

Brennstoff, Ausstellungsreihe in NRW, Otto Pankok Museum, Hünxe, DE

Make Art and friends (unter anderem mit Jonathan Meese) Kunststation Kleinsassen, DE

Hot Dog, Galerie Weiss, Witzenhausen, DE

Forestival, Koblenz, DE

KUSHTI BOK, Otto Pankok Museum, Hünxe, DE


Bumbo, eine interaktive Comicausstellung, Kinderakademie Fulda, Fulda, DE

YRA22, Stiftung Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE

Die Wildnis in uns, Eröffnugsausstellung des BBK Osthessen, Kunststation Kleinsassen, Kleinsassen

Transformation, Kunstverein Fulda


„Muy Mucho“ ,von Janus Hochgesand (Künstlerische Intervention der Sammlung) Ludwigmuseum, Koblenz Forestival, DE

Baro Love, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin,m DE


Waiting for the big fish, Skriptorium, Schondorf am Ammersee


Stopping Places VII, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)


Mit anderen Augen sehen – Dikhas Avren Jakhenca, Camaro Stiftung, Berlin (GER)

Akathe te Beshen, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (GER)

Young Romani Artists, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)

David & David – Madagaskar-Paris-Koblenz, Galerie Sehr, Koblenz (GER)

Madagasyart – Kilonga, 59 Rivoli, Paris (FR)


Akathe te Beshen – Mastepen thaj Sastepen, Centro Frederico Garcia Lorca, Granada (ESP)

Stopping Places, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)

Kunstspaziergang, Landenhausen (GER)

Akathe te Beshen – here to stay, Czech Centres, Prag (CSK)

Sans corruption, 59 Rivoli ,Paris (FR)

Pas Grave, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)

Akathe te Beshen – Mestipe thaj sastipe, Centro centro, Madrid (ESP)


Frei Sein!, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)

Provinz, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)

Akathe te Beshen – here to stay, Paris (FR)

Frei Sein!, Schloss Heidelberg (GER)

Madagasyart – Ampela soa, 59 Rivoli, Paris (FR)


Stopping Places V, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)

Kunstspaziergang, Landenhausen (GER)

Transmittung Trauma, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)

Schlossausstellung in der Papierfabrik, Dachau (GER)

Madagasyart, 59 Rivoli, Paris (FR)

Polar, Galerie Petschelt und Rasch, Kassel (GER)


Stopping Places IV, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin (GER)

Kunstspaziergang, Kulturverein Landenhausen, Landenhausen (GER)

Gruppenausstellung, Schloss Eisenbach (GER)

Double Feature mit Philipp Bölter & David Weiss, Marleen´s, Fulda (GER)

Gruppenausstellung, Galerie Petschelt und Rasch,Kassel (GER)




