Nihad Nino Pušija – Andaro angluno vast / Aus erster Hand

A series of portraits of internationally renowned Roma artists and activists.

Photography is the most historically complex and problematic genre to ever appropriate the Romani subject. Will Roma and Sinti ever be able to dissociate themselves from the traumatizing – sexualizing and criminalizing – practices of photographic representation used throughout the history of anthropology and ethnography? And has it become definitively impossible to turn and re-turn the photographic gaze?

Since his first exhibition in Sarajevo (1988), the questions sketched out above have been central to the work of the artist and photographer Nihad Nino Pusija. He continues to offer new ways to create and perceive authentic images while dealing with anti-Roma prejudices and their political consequences, such as deportation and assimilation. In doing so, he contributes to the contemporary European art scene’s on-going critical analysis of the role that pictures of so-called ‘others’ play in the self-image of those portrayed.

Nihad Nino Pušija (D/BIH) was born 1965 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and is a fine art photographer. His work focused primarily on documentary and portrait photography, which aims to capture Roma identity in Berlin, where he has been based for the past 32 years, and elsewhere in Europe. Important themes in his work include the politics of recognition, minority positions in contemporary artistic and curatorial practice, South – East Europe, refugees, conflict resolution, integration, inclusion, and the Roma and Sinti in Europe.

Curators: Era Trammer and Álvaro Garreaud

The exhibition is a collaboration between Galerie Kai Dikhas and the Bildungsforum against Antiziganismus. It will take place in two parts, at the Kunstraum Dikhas Dur and at the Bildungsforum

Opening: 16.May 2024 – 7pm
Exhibition: 17.May – 30 June
Place: Bildungsforum gegen Antiziganismus & Kunstraum Dikhas Dur, Prinzenstr. 84.2, 10969 Berlin


