Luna De Rosa, is an Italian activist and multidisciplinary artist from the Roma diaspora who works and lives between Berlin and Milan.
The body is the starting point of her artistic work: through interventions in the public sphere she expresses the relationship that binds the body to the social context that essentially governs and defines it. In recent years, her artistic work has focused on the vulnerability of ethnic minorities, particularly the Roma, who are strongly affected by exclusion and racism. Through the use of different media, from performance to painting and installation, De Rosa addresses the urgency of challenging misunderstandings, stereotypes and representing the multiple identities of Roma cultural and psychological heritage, focusing especially on the issues of Roma identity and feminility, creating dense images that almost metaphorically follow the friction and conflicting realities of ideas related to being an artist, Roma and woman searching for a way to exist in the middle, to be multiple, to remain irreducible.
RʳOMA LEPANTO, Stiftung Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
Otto Mueller, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster, DE
RʳOMA LEPANTO, Palazzo Bembo, Venedig, IT
(In)visibility – Strategies for Roma self-interpretation, ERIAC Srbija Gallery, Belgrade, SRB
Radiant Opacity, KUNSTHALLE am Hamburger Platz, Berlin, DE
Berlin Tales, ERIAC, Berlin, DE
Galerie Kulturhaus, Berlin, DE
BARVALO, Mucem, Marseille, FR
SAMMLUNG KAI DIKHAS 2022, Stiftung Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE
Stipendium, Villa Romana in zusammenarbeit mit ERIAC, Florenz, IT
Still Hope in Paradise? ACUD Gallery, Berlin, DE
YRA Young Romani Artists, Stiftung Kai Dikhas, Berlin , DE
Looking for Art , Spazio Hollywood, Mailand, IT
Hor(s)t der Kunst , Pfänder (Bregenz), AT
This is the gate of heaven, Gallery 46, London, UK
Visions, The garden of Liquid Identites The Room | Contemporary Art Space, Venedig, IT
You art is better than mine – My art is better than yours, Petesburg Art Space, Berlin, DE
Transformazione, Palazzo Ducale, Massa Carrara , IT
Big Size Art, S.p.A., Mailand, IT
Fuori Salone Navigli, Visual Art, Casa De La Musica, Mailand, IT
Body and Soul, Università Milano Bicocca, Mailand, IT
InForma Requiem,Villa Greppi, Monticello Brianza, IT
Arte, Musica e Gusto Torricella Peligna, IT
Désastre, Andelsbuch, AT
Combines/Observatory 7 , San Carpoforo, Mailand, IT