Béla Várady, Joy Charpentier, Mersud Selman 

The exhibition ‘Cruising Utopia. Scenes from the Roma-Queer Imagination’ explores artistic experiences that, by putting into action the power of imagination, link the creation of Roma artists from LGBTQIA+ communities with memory, subjectivity, experiences of discrimination and collective protest. The artworks produced by Roma-Queer artists are, in fact, bridges or mediations that allow traditionally racialised subjects, situated outside the frame, to acquire a central position. Thus, the exhibition shows how Roma-Queer testimonies and imaginations provide a ‘cathartic dignity’ and visibility to communities that have been relegated to the margins of the society. The group of artworks that make up Cruising Utopia are situated at the intersection between gender, social class, political condition and cultural belonging. Through an aesthetic proposal that crosses the fields of writing, photography, visual and conceptual art, painting and performance, the exhibition proposes a ‘utopian hermeneutic’ and a language in which ‘queer effect’ opens a door to an alternative time and place, where the negative connotations that have traditionally been associated with Queer and Roma acquire a liberating condition. 
Curator: Álvaro Garreaud 



19.00 Opening

19.30 VERONIKA – The true image – performance by Mersud Selman

20.30 Rrom Overdrive – performance by Joy Charpentier

21.00 Music and drinks at the terrace


Opening: 19 September 2024 – 7 pm

Exhibition: 20 September – 11 January 2025

Admission: free

Location: Kai Dikhas Foundation & Kunstraum Dikhas Dur, Prinzenstr. 84.2, 10969 Berlin


Installation images


