Małgorzata Mirga-Tas. Przeczarowując świat, Galeria Zacheta, Polonia (PL)
Małgorzata Mirga-Tas. Sivdem Amenge. Ich nähte für uns. I sewed for us., Brücke- Museum, Berlin (DE)
BARVALO, Mucem, Marseille (FR)
Stipendium im DAAD, Berlin (DE)
Woman to Woman. Małgorzata Mirga-Tas and Eugen Raportoru, ERIAC, Berlin, DE
Re-enchanting the World. Polish Pavilion. 79th Venice Biennale, IT
Out of Egypt/Aresnał Gallery/ Białystok/ Poland
The stories we become/ Szydłowski Gallery/Warsaw/Poland 29. Ceroplastic Excercises/Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko/Poland
Side thavenca/Rząsa Gallery/Zakopane/Poland GATE art zone 10/Düsseldorf/Germany
Medzi Svetmi/Diera do sveta Galllery/Liptowski Mikułasz/Slovakia
On the Road – AndroDrom/Mathare Art Gallery/Nairobi/Kenya Na pomedzi/On the border/The Polish Institute/Bratislava/Slovakia
Małgorzata Mirga Tas/National Theater/Skopije/Macedonia
Małgorzata Mirga-Tas/C. K. Norwid Cultural Center/Krakow/Poland
2nd Roma Biennale/Berlin/Germany
RESIST! Die Kunst des Widerstands/ Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum/Cologne/Germany
Die sonne does not shine the same as słońce/TRAFO Trafostacja Sztuki/Szczecin/Poland
Warsaw Under Construction/Museum of Modern Art/Warsaw/Poland
11. Berlin Biennale/KW Institute for Contemporary Art/Germany
The Kids Aren’t Alright!/La Rada/Locarno/Switzerland
Art Encounters Biennial/Timișoara/Romania
Roma Women Weaving Europe/European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture – ERIAC i Rumänisches Kulturinstitut/Berlin/Germany
Speaking in One’s Own Voice/Promocyjna Gallery/Warsaw Poland
Young Romani Artist/Kai Dikhas Galerie/Berlin/Germany
Hidden Roma Masterpieces/Palais of the Council of Europe/Strasbourg/France
Romani Art/ The Ethnography Museum/Tarnów/Poland
The right to look/Szara Kamienica Gallery/Krakow/Poland
Transcending the Past, Shaping the Future/Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ERIAC/Berlin/Germany
Kosmoshinokalo/Vesmír je černý/The Universe Is Black, Morawska Gallery/Brno/Czech Republic
Kali Berga/Kai Dikhas Galerie/Berlin/Germany
masters peasants peasants masters/BWA Sokół Art Gallery/Nowy Sącz/Poland
Kali Berga/Bookstore Gallery/Krakow/Poland
Zalikierdo Drom/Interrupted road/Association of Polish Visual Artists Art Gallery/Warsaw/Poland
Dialogues-Wakerpipen/Jatki Art Gallery/Nowy Targ
Jaw Dikh!/JCC Jewish Community Center/Krakow/Poland
Romani Art/Museum of Ethnography/Warsaw/Poland