Daniel Baker

Daniel Baker ist Künstler und Kurator. Er promovierte am Royal College of Art, London, zum Thema Roma-Ästhetik. Seine Arbeiten waren auf der documenta 15 und der Manifesta 14 zu sehen, und er nahm an mehreren Ausgaben der Biennale von Venedig teil, sowohl als Künstler (2007, 2011, 2022) als auch als Kurator (FUTUROMA, 2019). In seiner Arbeit untersucht Baker die Rolle der künstlerischen Praxis bei der Umsetzung sozialer Handlungsfähigkeit durch die Neukonfiguration von Aspekten der Zigeunervisualität. Seine Arbeiten werden international ausgestellt und sind in Sammlungen auf der ganzen Welt zu finden. Zu seinen Veröffentlichungen gehören WE ROMA: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art, Ex Libris, FUTUROMA und GRT LGBTQ+ Spoken History Archive. Lebt und arbeitet in London.

Daniel Baker . Einzelausstellungen


Reflector, LRRH_ AERIAL, Dusseldorf, Germany


Daniel Baker, Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow: Scotland


100 thousand blows, Gallery8, Budapest, Hungary

Makeshifting: structires of mobility, Art Central, Barry, Wales

Makeshifting: structires of mobility, Cardiff Story Museum, Cardiff, Wales

Dark Glass, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, Germany


Shine, Welsh assembly, Ty Hywel Building, Cardiff Bay, Wales

Shine, The Riverfront, Newport, Wales


R-in-R, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, NL


STORE, Royal College of Art, London, UK


Suspect, FEINKOST Gallery, Berlin, Germany

New Work, Hockney Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, UK


The New Gilt, FEINKOST Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Interfere, Aufenthalt im Zentrum für Zeichnungsprojektraum, WCA, UAL, London, UK


Lookinglass, Novas Gallery, London, UK


No Travellers, Victoria Hall, Oakham, Rutland, UK


Bodies, Corn Exchange Gallery, Newbury, UK


Romani Jivapen Jinapen, im Auftrag von BAMS, British Museum, London, UK

Daniel Baker . Gruppenausstellungen


Gypsy Makers, Tŷ Pawb, Wrexham, UK


Art Cologne, LRRH_ at Art Cologne 2022, Cologne, Germany

Roma Rajni, Manifesta 14, National Library of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo (upcoming)

One Day We We Shall Celebrate Again: RomaMoMA at documenta fifteen, documenta fifteen, Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany

The Influencing Machine: Ujazdowski Castle. Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland

Getaway: Venice Biennale, Italy


VULNERABLE ARCHIVES. On Silenced Archives and Dissenting Views, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany

Queer Constellations, Museum of English Rural Life, Reading, UK

Roma Resistance and Resiliance, European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, Berlin, Germany

ORDER AND DREAMS, OFF-Biennale, Budapest, Hungary


Actually, the Dead are not Dead. Una forma de ser, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany


58th Venice Biennale: Curator of FUTUROMA


Shiftwork, g39, Cardiff, Wales


The Travellers, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland​

Frei Sein!, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Kunstraum Dikhas Dur und DokuZ Sinti und Roma, Berlin, Germany

TITLE, film

Sites of Repressed Remembrance, Hungarian Scientific Academy, Budapest, Hungary

Sites of Repressed Remembrance, Hungarian Scientific Academy, Budapest, Hungary

(Re)conceptualizing Roma Resistance, Hellerau – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Dresden, Germany and Goethe Institut, Prag, Tschechische Republik


Under Erasure – Aspects of Romani/Gypsy/Traveller Life in Europe, Gerlesborgsskolan Bohuslan, Gerlesborg, Sweden

When that Oil Runs Out, People Will Need Horses, Rivington Place, London, UK

Performing Romani Identities: Strategy and Critique (PRISaC), OFF-Biennale Budapest


Stopping Places IV, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, Germany

Performance Matters: Strategy, Critique and the Politics of Romani Representation in the UK and Beyond, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA

Houses as Silver as Tents, The Contemporary Museum, Wroclaw, Poland


Houses as Silver as Tents, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland

FORMER WEST: Documents, Constellations, Prospects, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany

The Legend of the Shelves, AUTOCENTER, Berlin, Germany

ROMAISM – Constructing Roma Cultural History, Gallery8, Budapest, Hungary

Black Butterflies, New School House Gallery, York, UK


Art on Fire, Camberwell Space, London

Elective Affinities. Imaginings of the nomadic in contemporary art, Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, Germany


Reconsidering Rroma – Aspects of Rroma and Sinti life in Contemporary Art, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

Stopping Places, Galerie Kai Dikhas, Berlin, Germany

Expansive Mood, Mansion House, London, UK

54th Venice Biennale; contributor and advisor to Call the Witness; 2nd Roma Pavilion

What the Folk Say, Compton Verney, Warwickshire, UK


FEINKOST Triennale, (FEINKOST, Berlin)

During Office Hours, VGF Verband Geschlossene Fonds e.V, Berlin, Germany

Sovereign European Art Prize, Barbican, London, UK

Videodrome, AUTOCENTER, Berlin, Germany

Destination X, Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, Sweden

Off the Shelf, Slade, UCL. London

The Atrocity Exhibition, (FEINKOST, Berlin)

Art Rotterdam, (FEINKOST, Berlin)


Sleeper, FEINKOST at Brown, London, UK

Reality Sandwiches, Art News Projects, Berlin, Germany

Art Brussels, Brussels, Belgium (Feinkost)

Living Together, Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria – Gasteiz, Spain touring to MARCO, Vigo, Spain

Ventriloquist, Timothy Taylor Gallery, London, UK (kuratiert von Emma Dexter)

Hannah beyond the mirror, American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy

More love hours than could ever be repaid, FEINKOST Gallery, Berlin, Germany


The Forgotten Europeans, Museum der Stadt Köln, Cologne, Germany

Deleted Scenes, FEINKOST Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Artissima, Turin (FEINKOST, Berlin)

Volta 4, Basel (FEINKOST, Berlin)

Volta 4, Basel (Steinle Contemporary, Munich)

Paint Lab, Royal College of Art, London, UK

Paradise Lost, Kampa Museum, Prague, Czech Republic

Paradise Lost, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Brussels, Belgium

Acts & Actions, Café Gallery, London, UK

Viennafair, Vienna (FEINKOST, Berlin)

Kairos, Alfred Topfer Stiftung FVS, Hamburg, Germany

Travellers, Gallery Steinle, Munich, Germany


Artissima, Turin (FEINKOST, Berlin)

CHAVI, Novas Gallery, London, UK

Nature and Society, Ethnographisches Museum, Dubrovnik and Glyptotheque, Croation

Academy of Science and Art, Zagreb, Croatia

52. Biennale Venedig; Mitarbeiter und Berater bei Paradise Lost; 1. Roma-Pavillon

Prague Biennale, Refusing Exclusion

Productive Matter, Café Gallery, Southwark Park, London, UK

No Gorgios, Co-Kurator in der Novas Gallery, London, UK

Paranoia, Freud Museum, London, UK

What are Feelings for?, Centre for Drawing, WCA, UAL, London, UK

Contemporary Gypsy, Mascalls Gallery, Paddock Wood, Kent, UK


Paranoia, Leeds City Art Gallery & Focal Point, Southend, Kent, UK

Second Site, Stephen Lawrence Gallery London, Appleby and Stowmarket, UK

When in Rome V, Third Floor Gallery, Southampton, UK


When in Rome IV, Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham, UK


When in Rome III, Castlefields Art Gallery, Manchester, UK

When in Rome II at Homeland, Spacex Gallery und an gleichzeitigen Veranstaltungsorten in Exeter, UK

Passing Places, Ausstellung der Gypsy Culture, Hertford Museum, Hertford, UK


When in Rome I, Art House Gallery, London, UK


Paintings, Beardsmore Gallery, London, UK


Oriel Mostyn offene Ausstellung, Llandudno, Wales

Offene Ausstellung der Royal Over-Seas League, London, UK and Edinburgh, Scotland


DROM, eine Multimedia-Zusammenarbeit zur Erforschung von Queer-Romani-Identitäten, finanziert vom London Arts Board, aufgeführt im The Place Theatre, London, UK


Toynbee Hall, London, UK




