Mersud Selman

„My name is Mersud Selman and I was born on 16th of December 1986 in Bihać, (Bosnia and Herzegovina). There I finished the secondary art school. I started to paint when I was a child and I had deep emotion for the colours. In 2010, I got accepted at the Academy of Arts under the supervision of Prof. Veso Sovilj (Department of Visual Arts). As student I was yet able to enjoy high appreciation for my artwork and my artistic vision. I participated in several art colonies and workshops and had solo exhibitions in Bihać, Sarajevo, Banja Luka and in some European cities as Munich and Berlin (Germany), Milan (Italy), Switzerland (Rheinfelden), Vienna (Austria) and Budapest (Hungary)
„We are humans, not gypsies“. This is the title of a short documentary movie produced in 2016 and screened at the Sarajevo Film Festival the same year. A biographic statement which relates about me, my brother, who is also a painter, and my family, aiming in this way to offer a contra-response to the stereotyping image about Roma in the mainstream society.“

Mersud Selman . Ausstellungen


Cruising Utopia: scenes from the Roma-Queer imagination, Stiftung Kai Dikhas, Berlin, DE

2023 – 2024

Berlin Tales, ERIAC, Berlin, Germany


Khamoro Svetovy Romski Festival 2023, Prague, ČSFR


Young Romani Artists – YRA22 – Stiftung Kai Dikhas. Berlin, Germany


DO NOT SPIT IN MY FACE – Virtual Exhibition


Beauty & Violance – Gallery Kai Dikhas. Berlin, Germany


Woman Reflection – Gallery Kai Dikhas. Berlin, Germany

Reflection in the Water – Atelier 5 in Rheinfelden, Switzerland

The Life in Images Center of Communication and Culture for Queer People – International week against discrimination, Munich, Germany


SILENCE – Roma Women Portraits – Center for Arts and Culture of the CEU in Budapest, Hungary Bosnia


Reflections – Group exhibition, Gallery Banski Dvor in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegowina

Voli me, ne voli me (Like me, don’t like me) . Photography Exhibition, Discrimination of Roma Women – Gallery Zvono in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegowina

Intimate Autoexpression – Das Studion im2ten, Wien, Austria


Intimate Autoexpression – Das Studion im2ten, Wien, Austria

Teret (Burden) – National Day of Minorities in Bosnia and Herzegowina, Gallery ALU, Academy of Arts in Sarajevo


Love is the most beautiful when you are waiting for it – Group exhibiton, Gallery San Fedele in Milan, Italy




